
Zhejiang Little Flowers Arts Center
Source:  Date:2015-07-29 17:05:45  Author:


Name: Zhejiang small flowers Art Center

Detail: Zhejiang Xiaobaihua Arts Center project is one of the province's key projects and the "three billion" major projects funded by the provincial government built center construction project is located south of Shuguang Road, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, formerly the School of Arts Lot . Construction land area of 18,500 square meters, construction area of 24,600 square meters. Art Center West and East, independent body, the upper part of the steel frame are connected. East of the four exhibition halls, mainly in kind, pictures, video screening origin, evolution and history of a century opera show history; west of nearly 800 theater and classical theater, rehearsal halls, multi-function independent performing arts field and office buildings.

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