
Ningbo High-speed Rail Shangyu North Station
Source:  Date:2015-07-24 09:52:59  Author:


Name: Hangzhou Ningbo High-speed Rail Shangyu North Station 

Detail:Ningbo high-speed rail Shangyu North Station New Hangzhou Ningbo passenger dedicated railway station is a station of the Shanghai Hangzhou Ningbo passenger line planning and construction, located in Shangyu City of Victoria Road and Hangzhou Ningbo high-speed, station area of about 895 square meters, platform canopy area of about 10867 square meters, design platform 2 four lines. Hangzhou Ningbo railway passenger dedicated line is an important part of the national express railway passenger transport network and the Yangtze River Delta Intercity Transportation Network, after the completion of the will with the Shanghai and Hangzhou, Nanjing, Nanjing Hangzhou line set of common growth triangle area city "1-2 hour traffic circle." It and the coastal high-speed railway convergence, the junction of passenger and freight railway in the channel, provides a fast, convenient, safe and comfortable, energy-saving low carbon high capacity transport channel, to further improve the regional transportation structure, accelerating the process of regional economic integration, has wide and far-reaching influence.  

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