
Reddison square building
Source:  Date:2015-07-25 08:03:02  Author:


Name: Radisson Plaza Building 

Detail:Reddison Plaza building is located in the heart of Xiaoshan New District CBD city center, the building is about 248 meters high, a total of 50 layers, two layers underground. This is also the triumpher steel construction to undertake a high-rise steel structure project. The project for the reinforced concrete structure, which the North Tower and the south tower frame - core tube structure, annex for the frame structure (partly shear wall). Triumpher steel construction to undertake the project of North Tower and podium, underground 2 layer, 25 on the ground floor, about 119 meters high, total amount of steel used is about 3200 tons, mainly for cross shaped steel column, a total of 32. 

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