
Chao Feng News
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Chaofeng Steel Structure Group C ...
Recently, Zhejiang Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development ...
Chaofeng Steel Party Committee w ...
Recently, the work conference of "Fengjin 2018" held in Xiaoshan Economic and T ...
The tidal peak steel structure h ...
Recently, the office of the Ministry of housing and Construction issued a lette ...
The tidal peak steel structure is identified as the first batch of assembly building industrial base by the housing construction department
Recently, the office of the Ministry of housing and Construction issued a letter of the office of the Ministry of housing an ...
Group to carry out a series of staff training activities
In order to further improve the overall quality of the staff, strengthen the cohesiveness and fighting capacity of the group ...
The signing ceremony and commencement ceremony of the assembly style housing project in Kaihua County, Kaihua County, Cheng Junbiao announced the construction of the project
The morning of November 15th, Tao Xi Kaihua County contracted by the triumpher steel construction group ring Bi Village asse ...
Xiaoshan District Committee Standing Committee, Secretary of the Party Work Committee of the Development Zone, director Ye Jianhong, inspected the chairman of Zhang Haifeng, the chairman of the project of my robot Town, accompanied by the chairman of the
On the morning of November 14th, the Standing Committee of the District Committee of the District Committee of the Xiaoshan ...
The Xiaoshan robot town project of tidal peak steel has entered the stage of decoration
Recently, the office of the Ministry of housing and Construction issued a letter of the office of the Ministry of housing an ...
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